I am just so EXCITED! I will be there tda!! Hugs Sherrie
Creative Times is pleased to announce the first Prim Crafter’s Conference of
the Appalachian Mountain Region. The May 1 – 3, 2009 gathering will
be held in Burnsville, NC located in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains
of Western North Carolina at High Pastures Retreat, a gorgeous and
peaceful wooded retreat center. The conference is limited to 30 attendees
with a starting price of $150 for the three day event. Price includes
lodging, meals and all workshops. Workshop classes will include
stitchery ornaments & penny rugs by the conference host Doreen
Brannan of Privies and Prims. Susan Walker of Prim and Proper Folks will
be on hand to help you create Party Girl...a make-do doll! The pattern and
supply list will be provided to all who attend. Party Girl will be created over
the course of two classes. You will to give your doll face definition and
painting techniques to give your doll face lots of personality. At the
end of both classes you will have completed your Party Girl make-do
treasure to take home as a momento of this fun weekend. Attendees will
also learn about photographing creations for the web with awardwinning
photographer Mary Vogel, and decorative (lasting) painting on
soaps by certified OSCI (One Stroke Certified Instructor) Dorothy McBay
of Knoxville, TN. Doreen hopes to offer two to three
conferences each year with the second conference of 2009 being
held June 5 – 7. This conference will be limited to 24 attendees and will
consist of workshops for different rug-making techniques such as locker
hook, braided rag rugs, crocheted rag rugs and hand-hooked wool rugs.
Doreen explains that, “All conferences will be hands-on type workshops
where each attendee will be working on her own projects and, when time
allows, will leave with a finished product that she has created.”
Many of the workshop teachers will of knowledge passed down through
their families so that the knowledge can be passed along to even more
generations of families. Others will be teaching newer and easier crafting
techniques that may have seemed too difficult to learn in the past.
Visit www.primcraftersconference.com website for more information
about upcoming workshop dates and scheduled workshop events,
reservations, check for space availability, prices, and additional
information about the workshop teachers.
OoH Congrats Sher,
HOw exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I just wanted to stop bu and let you know i am doing a give away, please stop in and sign up!!!
Congrats again pal!!!
OOOOOH WOWWWIEEEE! What fun!!! OOOOH, I wish it wasn't so far away!!! Well, when you see Miss Susan from Prim and Proper Folks, give her a big hug from me!!! Sounds like a blast and I do hope you take lots of pics!!! Hugs, MO
Hi ya Jackie..ooo a give away!! I am running on over kiddo!
Thank You for the congrats..I am just so excited about the Prim Crafter’s Conference..My sweet hubby
is taking a week of vacation so I can go it will be a awesome vacation!!
Hi Mo!!! always sooo good to hear from you kiddo! Yes Mam' I plan on taking loads of pictures to share !
I am excited about meeting Susan from Prim and Proper Folk..I just love her art and Yes! I will give her hug from you for sure!
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