Today I was surfing ebay..I was looking at antique doll faces..studying them, Enjoying their many years of history behind them, Always wishing I could own just one of them, but to be honest I rarely buy from ebay any more, usually it is directly from the artist or esty. I came across this beautiful Georgene Novelty Averill Hendren Cloth Doll from the 1930's..Just look at her GORGEOUS face! I do not know know any thing about this type of cloth doll, But to me her face just looks to fresh to be from the 1930's, What do you think??
Wonderful, antique cloth doll made by Georgene Novelties, which was a division of the Georgene Averill, Madmae Hendren Doll Company. Madame Hendren made character dolls made of compostion during the early part of the 20th century. These dolls were only marked with paper tags, but there is a picture of a doll very similiar to this one (except one in the book is missing her bonnet and has different style shoes) on page 135 of Jan Foulke's book 3RD BLUE BOOK OF DOLLS AND VALUES.
This pretty toddler doll is from the 1930's, all cloth with a mask face and painted features. She has lovely blonde, yarn hair, very detailed face, moveable arms and legs. She has very pretty clothing, all original with oil cloth spat shoes. Nylon socks, and pink one piece underwear, pink dress trimmed in white lace at the sleeves, and a wide-brimmed, pink bonnet. Doll measures 18" tall.
She has a metal shoulder plate within her cloth body to give stiffness to her head and shoulder area. Very well made and VERY clean. No stains, tears, excellent shape. Great face color.|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A6|294%3A50
she is so adorable! no wonder you love her! will you be watching to see what she sells for? I'm curious!
have a good night!
What a treasure!!!! she is so sweet. Any doll collector would love to have her!!!
I know I would. Thank you for sharing your find on E-bay with us. Please drop by I have an award for YOU ;)
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