Monday, April 14, 2008

oh help!

I need help please.

This is my first attempt at clay ove cloth.I have no idea what I'm doing.

I'm wondering already if I have messes up,The dolls head is cloth,rouns,stuffed firm,I then applie on coat of eaao,sanded and buffed,I was going to paith the head and at the last minute and with a clean sewing room felt so creative,So decided to try clay over cloth,But it is not just cloth now its a gesso clothed head.

Question#1" Will the clay adhere permanently to the gesso

after drying over niht

Question#2: will I be able to smooth the cracks out: Question#3: Since drying over noht will I be able to continue now to keep adding paper clay and Question#4: when having to , be able to stop and start again????? Question#5: Or should I work throuh til finished
Question#6: can this be smoothed,blended and have more clay added?
Question# 7 can this be smoothed,blended and have more clay added?
Question#8 can this be smoothed,blended and have more clay added?

Question# 9 I have no idea what tools if any I need to use,Right now all I'using

fingers dipped in water..

I have waited years to I've this a try and have taken the plunge ..Think maybe I should have grabbed a life preserver before takingthe plunge:)

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