Tonight I was soon dunno had kinda mixed up feelings,Today we went to my sister in-laws 50th Anniversary, (Note: my hubby has 3 sisters and their all older than he is, hey all could be his Mom, But Gosh golly each one is sharp, beautiful and full of get up n go, You would never know their ages!! )There were at least 50 people there,Bunches of little ones,The oldest was 4yrs old! Youngest was 1 yr old..With one on the way. Such fun watching them all playing..Fun talking and catching up a bit well as much as one could that is on all that was and is and going to be.But funny thing is when we left I felt up set,Mixed feelings and worse of all I felt so unloved..werid as it sounds.I am beginning to feel better now, Maybe because I am writing about it?? I have NEVER ever written about my own personal feelings, Just kinda figure people have their own problems and sure don't need to read about mine.So any ways I got on my computer and happened to stumble across flickr and found these whimsical, fun, bright colors, thingies they call I guess Softiesoooh they made me smile and begin to get wonderful creative thoughts, so got out my good ole book by:Better Homes and Gardens called Old -Fashion Dolls and ToysSure enough there is a ADORABLE pattern to make what they have named "Calico Cat & Gingham Dog Softies pattern.
I have it all ready to sew and I will take a picture tomorrow and put up to share,But check out these links and have fun looking at the world of Softies
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