Step #1: mixing my flesh using Acrylic paints,
Step#2; Lightly sand face when dry.
Step#3: Use a circle like a quarter, any thing round and is correct size, I have even used the bottom of a spool of thread. Draw a nice round circle with a pencil
Step#4: using Acrylic Paint eyes white..allow to dry
Step# 5:Take your chosen color for the eye and draw with a pencil a half moon, Step # 6: Now take your color using Acrylics ( mine is Blue) and with your brush cover you half moon
Step # 7: Now take your Black using Acrylic and fill in for the pupils.

Step # 8: Take a gel pen and draw a line as shown.This will be your top lid..You will lightly draw a arch over your line..
Step # 9:Lightly shadow with water color pencils,,I use a piece of brown paper bag , crinkled up and blend just like you would do with your own eye make up..In fact I have used my own real eye make up for my dolls eyes.. Smudge the outer line as well to soften the look. I use real blush on all my dolls and again either lightly sand or brown bag.
Step # 10: Take your white paint and give your dolls eye a white dot ( what I call the light of life:) a Dot to high light the eye.
Now take your doll out side and spray her entire face with a matt fixative I use Krylon from Wal-Mart
Your doll's face is done tada!!! ready for clothes and hair!!
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Love and Hugs
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