A very special Thank You to, Linda of Simple Treasures for honoring me with this totally awesome award!
All righty how all this works is.... Once receive your award
#1: Put the logo on your blog.
#2: Add a link to the person who awarded you.
#3: Nominate at least seven other blogs.
#4: Add links to those blogs on your blog.
#5: Leave a message for your nominee on their blogs.
*Drum Roll !!* Some of my favorite blogs are
Brenda of Magic Garden: http://brenda-magicgarden.blogspot.com/
Karin (peanut) of Country Folk Keep Sakes
Cookie of Curds-and-Whey http://www.curds-and-whey.blogspot.com/
Michelle (Tink)of The black Berry Briar http://theblackberrybriar.typepad.com/
Jackie of Plain-N-Simple http://plain-n-simpleblog.blogspot.com/
Blondie of Vintage Primitives http://vintageprims.blogspot.com/
Karen of Sew Primitive http://sewprimitive.blogspot.com/
Nancy of Primitive Thymes http://primitivethymes.blogspot.com/
Sherrie, thank you soooooooo very much!!!! You're such a sweetheart!! :> )
Your such a fantastic artist you sure deserve this award kiddo!
Sherrie! you've touched my heart ... thank you sister, for thinking of me!
You are a blessing and a keeper ♥
You big sweetie!!!!! I am gunna email you k? I need to ask a few ? about how to get the award to my blog...I swear i have swiss cheese brain!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for the award. I am so flattered! I will try and put this up on my blog tomorrow, but I wanted to let you know first how much I appreciate it, and your nice comments about my blog. This is a new venture for me so I'm still learning. :) BTW, your blog looks fantastic, I love it.
Take care and have super night.
LOL Jackie!!swiss cheese brain, Girl as brilliant doll designer that you are pass me some swiss cheese please1!
Hi Nancy, Thank You for the kind comments, You blog is just beautiful, I enjoyed my shopping on your http://www.primitive-thymes.com/ !!!!
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