Sunday, March 12, 2023

Happy March Ya'll

 I have been busy learning ,how to paint with Acrylics. I have been having so much fun.

Have lots to learn that is for sure. My sweet husband paid for a entire year membership

Jesse Robertson & Keep It Colourful. Jesse is amazing artist and is such a sweet young lady.

I am not thrilled with my paintings yet.I do see my self growing.I see my mistakes and that is a good thing.

I also adore Step By Step Painting With Tracie Kiernan, Tracie is the best for beginners.

She has traceable's for your paintings. Tracie also creates for each lesson a full Tutorial for you.

 I have made it a point to paint a Gnome every Month.Doing this helps me use new techniques I am learning. I will share a couple of my paintings.Remember I am a Newbie at this, I start in January 2023

Also I came across a neat technique I want to try in the future 

Pamela Groppe Art
Someone recently asked about the crackling process and I thought it time to share that again. We have so many new ones that have yet to see it....

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