What can I do for others ?
Being quarantine or lock down, or mask wearing, or distancing ,,
One thing for sure this has been the year of " Change "
God is on His Throne ,Jesus is alive and well, Those that believe
and have faith and trust Him well be as God's Word says:
Psalm 91 Living Bible
1:We live within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the God who is above all gods.2:This I declare, that he alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I am trusting him. 3 :For he rescues you from every trap and protects you from the fatal plague. 4 :He will shield you with his wings! They will shelter you. His faithful promises are your armor. 5 :Now you don’t need to be afraid of the dark anymore, nor fear the dangers of the day; 6 :nor dread the plagues of darkness, nor disasters in the morning.
We all have seen hate in the world like never before.
I will be the first to say even in our own families we see discord.
I read and I quote :
Do whatever it takes to stay out of strife. Let your words be full of encouragement, and let God’s love shine from you everywhere you go.
Though at times it is hard to Love some one who doesn't want your Love,
I do my part by Loving them from afar, Believing trusting Jesus to change them.
I decided to not fill my mind with all the negativity. Yes be aware up what is going on but not watch 24/7 , Be positive for positive things to happen,
That's where I was asking me the question " what can I do"
The word came to me "Valentines" OK go a head and think I've lost it,
Here it is Christmas time, But I do believe it , Show Love Every Day should be a Valentines Day,Showing our Love with others, A Smile, a Kind Word, Bake Cookies,
Any thing you feel you can do , do it,
I decided to start sewing now not just for Valentines Day but to share with others
every day..You can personalize them for Season's, Friendships, Kids,Women,Men, Holidays , Hobbies, the list is endless..
Mug Rugs, Think about it every time that person uses or looks at that Mug Rug they will feel some one cares....
I hope this has been encouraging to you, And you will also give of your selves to others..What ever you can give..give from your heart
If you do not know what a Mug Rug is here is a like to a really good tutorial.. WHAT IS A MUG RUG:
There are a lot of free Mug Rug Patterns: Just Google Free Mug Rug Patterns
or I have a lot on Pinterest:
I Wish you all a very "Merry Christmas"
May the New Year be full of Peace and Love!
from my Heart to you all
Sherrie Nordgren
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