WELL I did my doll class..I have to tell you these were the sweetest
ladies! What fun we had,I am going back next Wednesday to stuff and dress,
put faces on our dolls!
Chris who is the coordinator was kind enough to take pictures for me,
My class was teaching about
#1: cloth doll history
Encouraging all to continue the heritage of doll
making. to keep alive our heritage and history, that those from so many years ago have given to us, This is a heart felt tribute to all the Grandmothers, Mothers, Aunts, Sisters
#1a: showing my dolls explaining what techniques I use and the type of doll they were.
#2: Cloth Doll Making Intro
#3: Freezer paper templates...how to create and use
#4: Sewing and turning
#5: using hands on--- using our tools we use in creating cloth dolls

I was thinking like they were expecting porcelain type dolls,
Not some that has been aged.Created from cloth.
BUT WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!They were loving just the opposite!
They want the Americana, They want, the sculptured faces and frayed hems, They want the Dolls from yesteryear!!! They want the Whimsy!!
They were really excited about the whole thing!
Here you can see these gals tracing their patterns on to their freezer paper Even a 4 yr old participated!!

I have been asked to speak at the Tampa Bay Historical Society
I was asked to display my dolls in Largo, Dunedin, Safety Harbor Library's
ok this is lil ole me we are talking about.This good stuff happens to others never lil ole me..
I am SO thankful and SO excited!!
Through these pictures you can see all those who attended with their sewing machines in tow!

A gentlemen said that doll looked like me..Well I made her after my daughter and Valerie does look like me..But I was still surprised!
This sweet gal is an artist you should see her painting she has painted..Oh they were wonderful..She shared with me she would like to turn her paintings into dolls..She is very talented and will go far!
Have no idea what I was talking about here.Hmmm I think though it was some thing about cloth dolls:)As you see I had the little girls full attention..What a doll she was AND so polite and just one the girls.

AhA! I know what I was speaking about in this picture The history of cloth dolls!
This sweet heart I called Mama or Mom she was my helper and guess what doll she fell
in love with?? I had taken one of my EFA dolls I had made, Mom, had a smile on her face and twinkle in her eye and said "I know what kind of doll this is, It is a Edith Flack Ackley doll and in my time I made many of these little girls"
I asked Mama how old she was and she brightly said 82! and here she sat making dolls!

in love with?? I had taken one of my EFA dolls I had made, Mom, had a smile on her face and twinkle in her eye and said "I know what kind of doll this is, It is a Edith Flack Ackley doll and in my time I made many of these little girls"
I asked Mama how old she was and she brightly said 82! and here she sat making dolls!

Behind Mama you can see my dolls ..Every one picked them up and loved on them what a awesome experience I had ..So much love and so much joy and so much creativity!
I can't wait to do my next class.!!
I can't wait to do my next class.!!
Greetings Sherrie,
Your class was fun and informative. Continue to create and share your gifts with others.
Looks like a great class!
Phew! It's done! And it looks like everyone had a GREAT time! I'll bet they'll be whippin' up dolls right and left now :-) Great job, my friend! You are a celebrity, now!
naw not me kiddo Im just that Me!
Now that can be a scary thought!
We really had a great time!..Thanks so much for your support kiddo!!!!
way to go sherrie!!!!!
I am so glad for your successful class.
keep them stitching those cloth dolls!!
funny i thought you had dark hair LOL
judy j
How wonderful!
Thank you so much Sherrie for sharing the class. Having taken classes, I see through different eyes and loved every minute of it. I wish I could have been there.
Great dolls, wonderful teaching and the camaraderie among doll people is unbelievably joyful.
Thanks again for sharing. God Bless.
Thank You JKW for your kind comments They were such a blessing to me
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