My helper..Angel,My 4 legged daughter...( ya know when the kids grow up and leave the nest we parents go to the dog's:) No matter where I roam she is right behind me.I do mean ALL day long....Here she is NOT looking at me because I was taking pictures of a doll on the floor and I yelled at her to get..She was ready to step on the doll to get to me..SO when I wanted to take her picture.... I was begging her..using all the sweet names I knew..Nope she wasn't having any of it, instead she turned on a *Attitude* Which was.. Oh yea now you want me.Ha!....nope you yelled at me now I won't even look at you !:) Yep that's my helper!!!

Cinders also owns a real Vintage Presbyterian cloth doll on the right...
Vintage Cloth doll making a yahoo group is having a really awesome
challenge actually two options challenge..I have decided to do the
Presbyterian cloth doll challenge..It is really a fabulous pattern created by
Lucinda C. Durbin (Cinders)

I am stuffing the second one now , she is 17 inches..
I haven't attached her legs yet because I 'm going to paint them first.

A exciting experience I must say. I'm just loving the creating time with this dolls body.
Her I'm showing the gusset she has in her head. A side view.

I can actually say I'm in love with this little gal! already..
She's looking great. I've tried starting her but life keeps getting in the way.
aww, i love your sweet cocker. Growing up, we had cockers and siamese cats and I still have a soft spot in my heart for both! Love your sweet dolly Sherrie - ready to do some riding?
She is precious Sherrie! Both the two and four legged one!
My Doxie gets that same attitude when the camera comes out. :> )
Sherrie , I love your doll , I have seen the pictures before in VCD and loved her there too. Isn´t she just the most wonderful doll !
hugs, Lone
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