Thursday, December 25, 2008

Sick Juice: By Cheryl Zehner

Sick Juice: By Cheryl Zehner
My family calls it "sick juice" and you take it
as soon as you feel a cold coming on or after you have it or before
any symptoms as a preventative. Works really great, tastes pretty
bad too.

This is from Herbal Medicine by Dian Dincin Buchman 1979

Antiflu Preparation

2 teaspoons cayenne pepper
1 1/2 teaspoon sea salt, or common salt
1 cup boiling water
chamomile tea bag
1 cup apple cider vinegar

Grind together the cayenne pepper & salt to form a paste. Steep
chamomile tea bag in the 1 cup boiling water (chamomile will help
soothe your stomach from the rest of the stuff), add to the cayenne &
salt. Cool. Add the vinegar. Most adults can take between a
teaspoon to a tablespoon every half hour. If it seems too strong,
dilute it.

I just use the ground cayenne pepper and sea salt & add a bit of
water & mush it together. Doesn't really form a paste but it doesn't
seem to matter. I also don't take it every 1/2 hour. I pretty much
take it when I think about it, but stir or shake it first cuz the
pepper & salt will settle on the bottom. This stuff kicks it in the
butt right quick.

Merry Christmas to all and I wish you all peace, joy, strength and
jobs in the coming year.

Now that the holidays are almost over I will be updating my blog and
will post when I have done that.

Hugs everyone

Cheryl Zehner

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