Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pioneer Doll tells her story

My offering this week for "Friday Flea Market"
Pioneer Doll tells her story
Mary observed her peaceful slumbering family in a flickering light from the cherry-red embers.
Mary thought back to a hazy, stifling hot day in August 1794, About three months ago. As Etta sat on the porch flickering her needle and thread creating a new rag doll "Mary" for her young daughter Sara and listening to the talk about moving into the wilderness. Game was scarce around their home in Fincastle, Virginia. Soon, they'd be forced to scratch their living from the rocky soil. Mary knew her husband Robert strong dislike for farming. Etta knew Robert had made up his mind. Starting over in the wilderness meant they could build a better life, As the sun rose gently over the Sara felt the nudge as the horse started to move and carry them away from the only home she had known into the journey of a new beginning. There was no road to their new home. No bridges spanned the scores of rivers and streams they'd cross. Few settlements, trading posts or farms dotted the landscape beyond the Allegheny Mountains. They would struggle through rugged, hilly country, cross lush, green meadows and penetrate vast areas of thick forest to reach their new home. Traveling would be difficult Yes, there were risks, but they were worth the prize
Sara tightly holding Mary in her arms heard her Mother say "Lord, watch over us."

The first few days were miserable. A constant, cold rain dampened their spirits and impeded their progress. Traveling meant trudging along paths of slick, sticky mud. Etta, a welcome respite from her never-ending chores. Her only task was to keep up with Sara,.A two year old wasn't one to sit for long periods of time, Etta and Sara hold tightly to Mary with a happy heart, she and Sara and Mary explored their new land. Soon, everyone was busily preparing a hot meal. Father built a small fire that quickly became a bed of red-hot embers. On these coals, Etta roasted the edible tubers she had foraged during her explorations. Father grilled five plump trout in the searing heat of the embers. He hand-caught the trout in the nearby brook. Etta along with Sara's help made a Journey Cake from her meager supply of corn meal and sugar. It baked on a hot, flat rock in the fire.Sara whispered secrets to Mary as they awaited dinner. Mary laid next to Sara knew in later years, the family fondly remembered the delicious meal they shared that day.

see Mary at Symple Tymes Etsy

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