Monday, March 24, 2008

Tagged Again!!

lucy awesomeOkay Hope you aren't bored readin about 5 things about me..div align="center">Lisa my friend from Skunk Hollow Country Store has tagged me !
#1: When I make a PBJ sandwich I first spread butter on it then peanut butter then grape jam..Yes I'm picky about my PBJ:)
#2: my favorites colors purple and bright teal green
#3: my eye color is Aqua not blue but a true Aqua,people always ask if Im wearing contacts..
#4 : I'm short and pleasantly plump..Now I really don't know about the pleasantly But I'm trying to rid my self of the ole plump!~:)
#5: LOve Pincushions and Aprons
Alrighty...I must ta 5 new people be right back I must go search for 5 people :))

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