Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning :)
flickr is a challenge for me to use..I think I have banged my head on the key board more times than ever..But I am determined to get the hang of flickr ..Because I enjoy surfing all the wonderful artists.

below are the links ..I love grabbing a cup of Hot or ice tea and have alone quiet time and just go on what I call a inspiration journey.. YES even leaving my comfort zone of vintage , victorian and my yesteryear , and looking at so many wonderful artists art work from way out there to things that makes one go "OH WHOA!!!!"

Not having to post or talk unless I want to leave a comment..
That I do on some because they just blow me away..with their techniques and their oringality..

Also the links for the instant down load of patterns...where you pay then instantly receive your full pattern..It is the only way I buy patterns now..

Today I am ripping up our wooden floor..we aregetting all new tile laid through our living room, dinning room, two hall ways,whew..

Have a blessed day

Hugs to all

this is my flickr............full of inspiration from others

my flickr groups................full of inspiration from others

my ETSY............. full of inspiration from others

SympleTymes's Favorite Sellers

I am going to do my best to promote ETSY..I love etsy..
The community is warm and inviting .. Also flickr community is warm and inspiring

Patterns with instant down load

they also have a wonderful on line magazine..come in PDF (FREE)

Patterns with instant down load

there are more instant down load pattern places..
just I am to lazy right now to look them up:)

Welcome to PrimitiveTimesMagazine.comâ„¢
~ Online Craft and Primitive Magazine~
they also have a wonderful on line magazine..come in PDF (FREE)

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